Baruch Dayan Emet

We regret to announce that our founder Chaplain Gary Friedman, OBM left this world on February 9, 2016, 30 Shevat 5776 on the Hebrew calendar.

Chaplain Gary Friedman was the founder of JPSI. Gary was a good friend and mentor to many over the years.  He was a primary source of research into correctional chaplaincy through the ACCA website.  His devotion and support for Jewish Prisoner Services International, the Congregation Shaarei Teshuvah, and the American Jail Association are legendary.  In chaplaincy to inmates in the jails in Washington and Oregon, he will be greatly missed -- as he will be greatly missed by so many in correctional chaplaincy.


Headstone Unveiling for Chaplain Gary Friedman OBM


Rewriting Leviticus