Q&A: What It’s Like To Be a Jewish Prisoner on Yom Kippur
Our Executive Director Chaplain Matthew Perry was interviewed by JewishBoston, about the challenges of being Jewish in Prison.
An excerpt of the article:
For most of us, Yom Kippur is a finite time of atonement and reflection. For prisoners, many days might be this way. I talked to Matthew Perry, the executive director of nonprofit Jewish Prisoner Services International, to understand the mindset of Jewish prisoners this week. Perry is based in Washington state, but his work transcends geography. The organization conducts chaplaincy, advocacy and social work with incarcerated Jewish inmates and their families. He spoke to JewishBoston about the poignancy of his mission, especially during Yom Kippur, and his thoughts on forgiveness and redemption among the imprisoned population.
To read the whole thing head on over to JewishBoston and read the article.